Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Conferences Update

I learned that earthquakes happen like around the edges of continents. I learned about the Mid Atlantic Ridge. We learn about alot of different things in this class we talk about like weather and how that relates to particles but something I really like about this class is that we get to talk about how actual science works, we learn how actual science works and this year i have learned a lot more about science, scientist, and how science works because of open discussions in class, discussions on edmodo and things on the class website. We also learn about how science works by observing things like the tray investigations and the tubes

I could actually try to participate more, like if i know something will try to confuse me i just don't even try to think about it. participate when i want to and like sometimes some days I like don't really care about anything and I don't even try to participate even though i know i should or sometimes when I like that we have open discussions and we don't have to read out of a book on our owns because i know that if we did work out of a book and did those boring worksheets everyday i wouldn't learn anything...i would just get the work done and never give a crap about it again. I don't like that like the worksheets make us think so hard even though that's kinda the keep thinking about things so yeah...

open discussion video

one project i really enjoyed was when we did an investigation with people in other class periods we all worked on it during our own class period and at the end we all saw it put together.

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