Friday, February 12, 2010

Global Warming

I chose to learn more about global warming because I hear a lot of people talk about it but nobody really says what it is, they just say global warming can destroy the worl. I didn't know a lot about global warming but In learned that according to about 2,500 scientist humans are the cause of global warming.
When humans are the cause of climate change it is called anthropogenic climate change. I found out what keeps the Earth from going into space and staying on the Earth, that is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse gasses absorb the heat and keep it from leaving Earth, even though the greenhouse affect is important to keep the heat, human activities are increasing the greenhouse gasses that absorb heat and those additional gasses are making a big difference to the climate and it's effecting not only animals but it can effect humans too.
I thought only animals in the North and South Pole are being effected by Global Warming but animals all over the world have to learn to adapt to the changes not only animals that live in the cold.
Heat effects farmers, in places like Africa they are getting droughts and they don't have water for their crops.
Human's can slow down the process of Global Warming by saving energy but humans won't change they will just deny they are the reason for global warming. I thought only animals and the weather was being affected by global warming but Global Warming affects almost everything going on! I think people should atleast make an effort to slow down the global warming process.
I got my information from:

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