Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Mercury is the eighth largest planet and it is the planet closest to the Sun. Mercury is hot, extremely dry, and almost airless. Mercury takes 88 earth days to orbit the sun and Earth takes 365 days to orbit the sun. Something that weighed 100 lbs. on earth would only weigh about 38 lbs. on Mercury. Mercury has three layers and but Mercury's biggest layer is the core. Earths biggest layer is the mantle. The temperature in Mercury is a lot hotter and dryer than earth because it is closer than the sun. Mercury heats up 10 times more than Earth. Because the heat on Mercury is so intense no kind of living organisms could survive on that planet. If you see Mercury through a telescope it goes through phases like the moon and it appears to change size and shape.
By, Lili Nuno, Trevor Ruhrer, Brandon Powell

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